Commitment to lifelong pursuit of knowledge in professional development
At the Chair for Adult Education at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena we are committed to educational research in continuing vocational education and training on the basis of relevant basic research on adult education. Lifelong learning is our core research focus: We investigate how lifelong learning can be made possible and promoted.
We fill the scientific research field of continuing vocational education and training with specialists who are trained according to the latest educational standards. Our students understand the conditions, procedures and consequences of educational processes in a sound and deep way: graduates of our study programmes are able to develop targeted methods and educational concepts. They are well prepared for working in national and international research on adult education and for practical application in adult education.
Education is life: It should also be maintained in adulthood. This requires promotion and research.
Image: Katrein Brenner Fotografie
Inspiration from practice - transfer into practice
Teaching situation
Image: Katrein Brenner Fotografie
Our findings are of great value for science, practice, society and politics. This is possible thanks to our transdisciplinary work and cooperation with our partners from science and practice.
Practice, teaching and research are closely linked at our Chair: We incorporate our research results into our teaching. Our research projects deal with current and future problems in the field of adult education. The specialists trained by us as well as our scientific findings are used in society, educational policy, the research community and by our partners in practice.
Our students participate in the research processes at an early stage. In this way we promote their academic independence. Our support in implementing their personal research projects creates additional scope for independent creative work.
Education liberates, because education is essential for a self-determined life - in all areas of life, including adulthood.
Interdisciplinary cooperation for the greatest possible gain in knowledge
Teaching situation
Image: Dr. Beate Gräf
Our team is interdisciplinary: This gives us the opportunity to look at the many facets of adult education from different perspectives. This interdisciplinary international cooperation with various partners from the continuing education sector helps us to recognise developments in continuing education at an early stage.
Education brings light: adult education stands for lifelong pursuit of knowledge. This is reflected at all levels of our work - both scientifically and in practice.